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Wildlife on the Shores

Wildlife is not unusual in Desert Shores and many consider the many breeds of waterfowl to be permanent or part-time residents of our community. Desert Shores Community, as recommended by the experts from both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife & Nevada Dept. of Wildlife, has taken a hands off approach to any wildlife and are in no way managed by the HOA. They are an important part of the community and to be enjoyed but please keep in mind the following rules and help communicate these rules to your guests.

Here is a partial list of Wildlife commonly seen in our community but the policy is not limited to this list but includes ALL wildlife including domesticated species that live in Desert Shores year round:

  • Waterfowl: Ducks (Muscovy, Pekin, Mallard, Wood, etc.), Herons, Geese, Coots, etc.
  • Turtles
  • Fish
  • Birds (pigeons, blackbirds, etc.)
  • Coyotes
  • Rabbits

Wildlife Policies

  1. No Feeding – this activity is prohibited at all times and is not allowed by any person(s) within the DSCA Community, to include: common areas, streets, sidewalks, residences or businesses. Here are a few reasons why:
    • Nature provides everything a wild bird or animal needs to survive. In fact, feeding birds is very unhealthy for them and can directly lead to illness and injury.
    • Human or processed food is not bird/animal food. It actually provides poor nutrition that often leads to health problems and deformities.
    • “Angel wing” is a food-related deformity in waterfowl that is life-threatening.
    • Feeding activity causes overcrowding as birds gather where “food” is easy to come by. This makes it easy for the birds to share illnesses, disease or parasites.
    • Impedes migration – sometimes wild birds become so dependent on humans in a particular spot that they no longer migrate.
    • Causes wild birds (and animals) to lose their fear of people and seek out populated areas, including near roadways and homes.
    • Can cause aggression, especially in ducks and geese as they vie for available food sources. This aggression may be directed toward people.
    • Attracts rodents.
    • Attracts predators that prey on the birds and rodents.
    • Impacts water quality.
    • Alters natural foraging behavior.
    • Causes dependence.
  2. No Handling - handling of any wildlife (healthy or injured), including nests and eggs, is not allowed on any DSCA common area, except for the following personnel, and only in the case of an emergency or approved relocation:
    • Licensed veterinary personnel
    • Any governmental agency personnel
    • DSCA Staff or approved agent
    Note: any wildlife found dead, injured or seen in an area that my cause injury to the animal, should be reported immediately to the DSCA office. Only authorized personnel listed above are allowed to pick up or relocate any wildlife.
  3. No Harboring - Wildlife of any kind is not to be intentionally or unintentionally harbored on your property. Note: please don’t disrupt any nest created on your property but if you wish to have it removed, please contact the DSCA office and we’ll assist in relocation when allowed or report it to one of the Governmental agencies for relocation.
  4. Enforcement - as listed in Section VI any violation of the above policies will result in an immediate hearing notice issued and if the Board/Committee concludes that an owner has violated any rule, then a fine or suspension of privileges may be imposed.